United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Topic: Sustainable Development of Space Infrastructure and Technologies

When we were all young we dreamed of being an astronaut, but not many of us stopped and considered the implications behind the question. What country are you representing, and how much influence does that country have in the exploration of outer space? Is using resources to fund space exploration even sustainable? What are the political and environmental benefits and ramifications of it? With the United Nations Office on Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), you can help the world answer these questions, provide legal and regulatory frameworks, and create opportunities for countries to explore space, and work to ensure all aspiring astronauts can follow their dreams.

Position Papers must be submitted to this form soon. Further questions or extension requests may be emailed to secretariat@waimun.org.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Background Guides Will Be Available Soon!

  • Manasa Kancharla


    Manasa V. Kancharla is a junior at Lake Washington High School and is so excited to meet everyone at WAIMUN 2023! As a middle schooler, Manasa was mesmerized by the beautiful MUN logo and the promise of learning international politics. Making it her goal to join MUN in high school, she discovered a new world where people were recognized by their positions, not their names, and formed a tight-knit community. In her free time you can find her finishing up her APUSH notes or managing WoCBA.

  • Anirudh Kumar


    Anirudh Kumar is a sleep-deprived senior at Juanita High School who is ecstatic to serve as the chair for UNOOSA at WAIMUN 2023. Starting as an overwhelmed sophomore at EDUMUN 2021, Anirudh gradually grew to love the fast-paced debate and exhilarating environment MUN provides. In his free time, he can be found watching anime, reading fantasy books, and playing piano. Having been involved in all past iterations of WAIMUN, Anirudh hopes to bring an exciting and engaging debate just as he was provided.

  • Sofia Lapinski


    Sofia Lapinski is a sophomore at Inglemoor High School and is delighted to serve as your assistant director of UNOOSA for WAIMUN 2023! First captivated by an alluring poster for her school’s MUN club as a freshman, she had no idea what was ahead as she entered the spirited and exciting world of MUN. Sofia aims to provide the same welcoming and inspiring experience that will instill them with the same passion for MUN! In her free time, she can be found listening to music, avoiding practicing the violin, and spending time with her friends.